Monday, January 2, 2012


The 2012 word.  Patience with The Boy and The Girl during a baking session has never been one of my strong points.  I get anxious which then, leads to frustration which then, leads to me doing it by myself.  Sad but true.  Seeking within, I would like to see change in that area.  I decided to start the day off with prayer.  One of the things I asked of the Lord was for increased patience with the husband and kids.  It's not a serious problem, probably average, however, being that the kids are on winter break, we are getting a much larger dose of each other.

I promised The Girl that we would use her new bake set to make banana bread cupcakes.  When you are 5, you don't forget one single promise, as a matter of fact, you ask about it every 15 minutes until the promise is fulfilled.  I've been a mom for 7 years, you'd think that I would have learned by now.

As you can see the promise went into fruition.  The Boy helped too but, those pics didn't make the cut (sorry, buddy).  I just want to let you know that I did nothing but supervise and helped where I was needed, only where I was needed.  The kids where having a fabulous time.  I was too, you know, in between panic attacks but, with the Lord's help, I did it!!!!  Woop! Woop!

The cupcakes where absolutely  D E L I C I O U S!!  Soooo against the meal plan, man, fudging already!! While I am sure that the patience thing will be an ongoing effort, I look forward to the challenge and more cupcakes!

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