Friday, September 7, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012


The 2012 word.  Patience with The Boy and The Girl during a baking session has never been one of my strong points.  I get anxious which then, leads to frustration which then, leads to me doing it by myself.  Sad but true.  Seeking within, I would like to see change in that area.  I decided to start the day off with prayer.  One of the things I asked of the Lord was for increased patience with the husband and kids.  It's not a serious problem, probably average, however, being that the kids are on winter break, we are getting a much larger dose of each other.

I promised The Girl that we would use her new bake set to make banana bread cupcakes.  When you are 5, you don't forget one single promise, as a matter of fact, you ask about it every 15 minutes until the promise is fulfilled.  I've been a mom for 7 years, you'd think that I would have learned by now.

As you can see the promise went into fruition.  The Boy helped too but, those pics didn't make the cut (sorry, buddy).  I just want to let you know that I did nothing but supervise and helped where I was needed, only where I was needed.  The kids where having a fabulous time.  I was too, you know, in between panic attacks but, with the Lord's help, I did it!!!!  Woop! Woop!

The cupcakes where absolutely  D E L I C I O U S!!  Soooo against the meal plan, man, fudging already!! While I am sure that the patience thing will be an ongoing effort, I look forward to the challenge and more cupcakes!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we are once again ... the beginning of a New Year.  I was reading a post on FB (Facebook) this morning that stated "it's just another day, nothing has changed".  Not sure what that person was hoping for.  That person is right, in the sense, that nothing has changed, today is another day and with that, for most, including myself, is an opportunity for new beginnings. So, instead of letting that statement discourage me, I am going to grasp this chance for change and fly!

With that being said, I have chosen my One Little Word, inspired by Ali Edwards.  My word for 2012 is INQUIRE.   Inquire definition:  investigate, look into.  One word vs. a full on resolution works better for me.

The reason why I chose this word is because I want to inquire "within".   I want to explore different avenues in my life at this time.  Inquiry can lead me in many directions and I'm ready to have an open mind, trust in the Lord and allow for change when & if it is meant to be.

What's your word for 2012?  

Happy New Year!